Pennsylvania cracks down on volunteer background checks

PA Clearance ImagePennsylvania will soon be implementing the volunteer background checking law that MYB discussed in January, but despite no further news about how schools should handle volunteer background checks, some of the confusion has been lifted for other types of volunteers in Pa. communities. It has now been specified which background checks are required for volunteers and how clearances will be handled from organization to organization. Regardless of whether they will be expected to work directly with children or not, volunteers will soon be required to undergo two-fold screening; they will need to obtain a Child Abuse History Clearance, and they must pass a Pennsylvania State Police background check. Together, these background checks are estimated to cost a one-time fee of about $20, and both types of checks will remain good for three years before renewal is required. Many Pennsylvania volunteer organizations were confused by previous news of the law, wondering if volunteers would need to get separate background checks for every organization they participate in, but the Pennsylvania Department of Human Services says that this is not necessary. The Department of Human Services provides the Child Abuse History Clearance, and said that both types of background checks will be transferrable from organization to organization, with the individual in possession of the original copy of the clearance and screening results. Organizations will keep copies of the original documents on file. Employers that require background checks must still conduct their own screening, and will not be able to similarly transfer screening results or clearances to other companies, unless the company is affiliated with or a subsidiary of the original business. photo credit: 20120825-DM-LSC-0085 via photopin license]]>

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